“Working with quality people makes all the difference.”
Todd got into the design business because he wanted an office job that gave him the mental challenges he craved. He finds great satisfaction in providing high quality drafts to the project managers and supporting the success of the project. He finds the biggest change has been the shift from 2D to 3D modeling, which now allows a much more detailed understanding of how the individual part so the project will interact with one another.
Todd says MCG Explore Design’s greatest strength is its team, because they strive to look at each problem from as many angles as possible to ensure that the design is as successful as it can be.
When not working, he enjoys racing and tuning cars. He’s also a keen woodworker and crafts furniture and fittings for his home. One day, he hopes to cruise around Australia.
Todd’s Favorites

Greuning Middle School
Todd joined MCG Explore Design in November 2019, and Greuning Middle School was his first big project. There’s nothing like seeing something through to completion.

Embracing Technology
Moving from 2D to 3D has been fantastic, Todd says. It’s much better for conflict control – for example, making sure the placement of ducts and beams work together.

Continuous Learning
You can’t grow in isolation. Todd enjoys talking to technicians to learn how different people approach tasks and how MCG Explore Design could improve.